Divine Desire

In a world of instant gratification mentality, brought on by a string of fast food, faster technology and communications, and a quick-response mentality, it’s well known fact that we are all brimming full of desires, dreams and wanting. Few people in the world, let alone in our day to day…

Believe It, Receive It

One of the most serving lessons I have learned from my mentors is that my beliefs create my reality. When I looked around my life, I saw things that I didn’t think I believed; yet there they were in my life showing up on a daily basis. My mind told…

The Ease of Effort

In the midst of an inspired moment, I came across the word "effort" and it caught my attention. Effort sounds like a struggle or difficult time will be had. I found this especially interesting since in my inspired moment I was creating some business related materials. I don't want my…

Trading Up Trying for Being

We’re all likely familiar with the advice: “…try, try again,” when we’ve come up short of our desired result or destination. What if it’s all the “trying” that’s keeping us from getting where we long to be? To better understand what I mean, let’s take a look at the root…

Family Roots

For myself, the holidays are all about time with family—those related by blood or love. Being able to spend time with my loved ones is such a treat and something I look forward to at any given opportunity. For many, the opposite seems to be the case. I overhear people…

Guaranteed to Succeed in 2012

As we sit at the start of a new year, many are reflecting over 2011 in order to deem it a success or not. This process generally leads to stirring up a mix of excitement and anxiousness over rather 2012 will bring more success, as well. Success is another seemingly…

Waking Up to Wealth

Here I am, a year after I first consciously began redefining my world and I’m still striving—now more than ever—to see the world in a way that makes my heart sing. As I’ve revisited my redefined words, I realized that it was equally important to address some seemingly positive words…

Ready to Receive!

(Originally posted 10.22.10) Receiving is something a lot of us struggle with. In our society, we are conditioned to believe that being selfish is a bad thing & we commonly hear the expression “it is better to give, than to receive.” The majority of people, whether consciously or not, find…