Thriving on Empty

(Originally posted 10.20.10) Empty is a funny word. It doesn’t provoke much action and usually refers to a lacking or being without. You can feel empty inside, be sad to find your box of favorite treats empty, and no one likes to wind up on the side of the road…

Making Peace with Resistance

(Originally posted 10.19.10) One of the most serving habits I have taken on is to become aware of my resistance to what life brings. My greatest mentors have taught me that what you resist persists, and through my own trials, I have found this to be the case 100% of…

Embracing Agitation

(Originally posted 10.18.10) In today’s society, agitation seems to be at an all time high. Between work stress, road rage, health care costs and a downtrodden economy, you could probably ask just about anyone what they are agitated about & get a list of culprits before you even bat an…

Always Assume the Best

(Originally posted 10.15.10) I, for one, am not found of assumptions. They seem to lead in the wrong direction, influence negative thoughts, promote gossip, create unnecessary worry, and bring hidden fears to the forefront of the mind. Assuming leads to confusion, break downs in communications, and can cause two forces…

Gettin’ Sweet on Sacrifice

(Originally posted 10.14.10) Sacrifice. Man that word makes my heart sink! I envision having to cut off a limb or do something else I’d really prefer not to be doing. Any situation that involves sacrifice paints a picture in my mind of a lose-lose situation. And I only like to…

Fear Factor

(Originally posted 10.13.10) In my opinion, the worst 4-letter word in our vocabulary is fear. Although in some occasions, fear can serve to keep us safe, generally speaking, fear keeps the majority of the population too safe for their own good—or for the good of the world as a whole.…

Awesome Authority

(Originally posted 10.12.10) Authority. I don’t know about you, however, much like the word disciple, authority brings up a touch of resistance within me every time I read, hear or say the word. Authority makes me think restriction, and restriction makes me want to rebel (hope I’m not alone in…

Gettin’ Down with Discipline

(Originally posted 10.11.10) Discipline. The word alone can send shivers down your spine, evoke this inner need to sit up straight, pull the shoulders back & hold your breath in hopes of being good enough to avoid the negative infliction of punishment that the word brings to mind. Have you…

Merging Two Worlds

In an attempt to simplify and ensure you are receiving all the great information, tips and tools I share via blogging, I'm re-posting blogs I previously published under my Crusade for Consciousness page here on my Holistic Restoration main blog page. My intention is to add one post a day…