A Labor of Loving Myself
Three of the most common objections I get from others in regards to eating fresh, clean, whole foods is the time, money, and energy involved in going clean. I feel those objections are the very reason I stick to a clean eating lifestyle. For each of these, we must consider…
Go Nuts…and Never Count Calories Again!
One of my favorite things about my pescetarian, nutritional cleansing lifestyle is the fact that I never have to count calories. NEVER. I never count calories, fat, carbs, sugars, or proteins. I never even read the nutritional labels! This practice has become obsolete in my world. If you are open…
Portobello…The Other Brown Meat
When people find out that I’m vegetarian, they always ask me how long I’ve been eating this way. A lot of people are shocked to hear that it’s been over a year, and I find that odd because I spent 31 years not being vegetarian. The other question that generally…
Getting Fresh in the Kitchen
There are lots of debates on the best foods to eat, how to prepare them for maximum nutrition, why you should chose one over another, and avoid some altogether. I have found a balance that nourishes beyond my physical needs, and into my emotional and spiritual needs as well. In…
Tools For Your Journey—Accepting the Offer
One of the most serving tools I use regularly on my journey is accepting the offering. All of my amazing mentors say the same thing in their own way—I believe them all to be true. What you resist persists, what you embrace transforms. We are the only ones keeping our…
Fully Equipped Beyond Measure
For over a decade, I have been immersed in the natural healing world. From my first interview at a chiropractic office, I felt a truth resonate within me that the human body was fully equipped to heal itself. As I continue down my path, I discover deeper and deeper levels…
The People Have Spoken and I Am Listening! (Part 2)
Since releasing 49lbs and more than 60inches in 24 weeks, and maintaining a healthy, balanced weight for over a year now, my clients and friends are always asking me what I eat, where I shop, what I buy, what I do for exercise, and other questions revolving around food, the…
The People Have Spoken and I Am Listening! (part 1)
Due to the overwhelming positive feedback and amazing shifts I am witnessing in the participants, I am pleased to announce that my bi-monthly, Life Transforming Workshop Series will continue until further notice! PLUS-I’ll be adding an hour to the front-end of my workshops focused on creating lasting physical change, practical…
Learn to Read the Signs
Life is constantly giving us signs as to which direction to go & what choices to make. If we are unaware of the signs, we miss them, overlook them, or mis-interrupt them. With everything that occurs around us, we are given feedback. We get off track by labeling the feedback…
Whatchya Talkin’ Bout, Kiki?
I am a woman on a mission. Actually, we are all on missions. Only not all of us have realized this or are willing to take responsibility for theirs yet. There’s a saying we’ve probably all heard countless times: “Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get…