Due to the overwhelming positive feedback and amazing shifts I am witnessing in the participants, I am pleased to announce that my bi-monthly, Life Transforming Workshop Series will continue until further notice! PLUS-I’ll be adding an hour to the front-end of my workshops focused on creating lasting physical change, practical tips on how to truly nourish & transform your body, and why physical health is key for balancing, maintaining, and increasing your emotional & spiritual health!
Join me the 1st & 3rd Saturday every month, 1-4pm, at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Clayton, NC.
I will also be offering a Webinar/Teleconference once a month so you may plug-in from the comfort of your own home, where ever that may be! You can stay up-to-date on the topics and all the details at http://HolisticRestoration.com
Can’t make a live event? No problem!
Here’s 3 simple ways you can stay plugged in to my trainings:
1—Catch every bit of the presentation on video! All workshop recordings are posted on YouTube and you can find them at: http://youtube.com/user/cnkeye. Visit as often as you’d like, or simply subscribe to my channel to receive notification when new videos are posted. You may also find me on Facebook where I upload the videos that meet FB size requirements http://facebook.com/ckeyerollins.
2—Host your own event! You decide the date, time, and location, invite your friends, pick the topic, and get an exclusive event where I give all I’ve got. Do you work with a team of people or in an office that could benefit from a bit more clarity, focus, self-belief, peace & kindness? You can schedule a private workshop focused on what you feel will be most beneficial. Live outside the Triangle area? Skype me into your home or office and we’ll do some live virtual training! Contact me to learn more.
3—Email your questions! I have set up an email account dedicated to better serve you. Have questions from watching one of my videos? Need clarity on techniques I mention? Have a particular struggle or topic you’d like for me to address? Simply send an email to AskCrissy@gmail.com and I will answer you on my blog! If you have a question or struggle, chances are others do to. This is a great opportunity to learn from one another and see that you are not alone. Rest assured your privacy will be maintained in my responses, so ask away! Visit http://HolisticRestoration.wordpress.com see my responses and you may subscribe to my blog to receive notification when new entries are posted.
And wait!! There’s MORE!!!!
…stay tuned :)
Crissy, thank you so much for shining TRUTH into our world and hearts in the amazing way that you do!