For Moms
Since becoming a mom, I feel like I’ve been inducted into a secret club that only members truly know about. Like everything in life, the only way to really get what being a mom is like, not just the concept of what we think it will be like, you have to experience it for yourself. As a member of this elite club, I am more committed than ever before to supporting women, moms, moms-to-be …and anyone that’s ever had a mom, while we’re at it, so fellas feel free to keep on reading. Simply put, moms are amazing!
Luckily, this exclusive club called Motherhood is not sworn to secrecy, though it may appear that way from time to time as I find myself experiencing things that I never heard other moms talk about before. As I reach out and share my experiences with other moms, I find many of us have much in common, along with the confusion over why we don’t hear more women talking about these things. So I’m here to share them with you with the intention to dissolve a few more invisible walls that keep us separated, and perhaps ease the mind of some, while making others feel more “normal” and sane.
I invite you to join in the discussions by leaving comments and sharing with others you feel may benefit from the content. Reach out to me if there are any topics you’d love to see discussed (for example: pre-pregnancy health, natural birth, conscious parenting, placenta encapsulation, cloth diapering, baby wearing, co-sleeping, and more). It’s an honor to be a resource for you and your loved ones ♥
4.5 Years Prep for the Most Important Houseguest of My Life is Paying Off in Spades
Food Is Life and Isagenix is Food
Natural Birth of a Baby and a Mother
Moms Are So Deserving: Letting the Easy In (part 1)
Move it Momma!: Letting the Easy In (part 2)
Never Diet Again: Letting the Easy In (part 3)
Emotionally Responsible Parenting
On May 13, 2014, I was blessed and honored to have a conscious conversation with my beautiful friend, spiritual guru and Aramaic master, Dale Allen Hoffman, pictured here with his daughter. A father of three, with the oldest turning 15 a few days following his youngest turning 3 later this month, Dale and I discuss the inspired approach to parenting that results from living a life rooted in Love and taking 100% responsibility for the emotions that the parenting experience evokes. While the conversation is centered around parenting and being an authentic example to upcoming generations, the topics and experiences we discuss on this call are applicable to anyone’s life, independent from parenting. The audio begins where the recording was started near the start of our conversation. Click the link below to listen to this truly transformative call, and feel free to share this page with others!
This audio is the portion of the Aramaic Friday audio I reference several times in my discussion with Dale in the interview above and inspired our conversation on parenting.