I was called brave and courageous. I was called crazy and naive. I was encouraged and supported. I was laughed and scoffed at.
“Just wait…you’ll see,” I was told…“Aren’t you scared?” I was asked…“Wow, I could never do that,” I heard.
I received all these reactions for something that I would inevitably have to face, regardless if it went my way or not. Perhaps it was my decade plus of experience in the natural healing realm. Perhaps it was my faith. Perhaps it was innate intelligence. The fact that women had done this since the beginning of humankind absolutely was what I’d fall back on anytime I found myself inching toward self-doubt. For whatever the reason, I knew from the beginning of my pregnancy that having my baby au naturel in the comfort of my own home was something I had to experience. And now I am surer than ever, part of the reason I was given this divine mission, was to be an example to other women of what we are capable of doing.
Throughout my journey, one thing became apparently clear: Many women have lost their faith—or never had it in the first place—in what we as woman are equipped to handle. Any moms out there reading this already know what I’ve recently learned. Motherhood brings out a whole new level of capable. The demands of being a mom are never-ending. Ever. They NEVER stop. Especially while your newborn babe is dependent on you for every feeding, diaper change, comfort and necessity. While I and many moms-to-be understand this concept in theory, it is a whole other thing to experience it yourself. And even though many of us may doubt if we’ll be able to do everything “right,” we do know we will be okay and we’ll figure it out.
So why wait until the baby has arrived to believe in ourselves?
I’m not here to say that home birth or even natural birth is the answer or best solution for every woman. Nor am I saying that the other options are wrong, unnecessary or bad, or make you any less of a loving, amazing, wonderful mom. I’m simply here to say you are fully equipped and literally made to reproduce naturally, and often without all the fancy equipment provided by hospitals–which again are fabulous places that support the needs of some expecting moms that do require the added assistance. (I just learned today that only 5% of modern births actually need assistance).
Although this was my first pregnancy and birth experience, I was not called to read and research mounds of information. In fact, to date, I’ve read two books on what to expect, and skimmed three others. Beyond being at home, I didn’t have a birth plan. Inside I knew all along I’d simply know what to do and where to do it when the time came, and that’s exactly what happened. And although the labor at moments was intense to say the least, I never once would have traded it for not being fully present and aware of what was happening in my body. And although my doula and midwife held a beautiful space for me to complete the task of childbirth, I followed my instincts and was not told how or what I needed to be doing as I had seen countless times in my past on television with traditional doctor assisted hospital births. My body told me what to do, and I did it. More accurately, it was not so much my doing as it was my allowing that brought my beautiful daughter into the world.
I share all this with the intention to remind you, or perhaps let you in on the fact, that women are fiercely and perfectly made. We are fully equipped to bring life into this world. We were made for it. We were designed precisely for it. Women around the world to this day honor the experience by allowing their bodies to do what they were made to do without medication or medical intervention. Given the right support—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—we unlock our potential and accomplish much more than the doubt that arises within ourselves or comes from others may imply we can do. We are miracles. Our bodies are miraculous. And the babies we carry are packed with the same intelligence as flowers, never having to be told to grow, and always coming into full bloom at the perfect time, even if it’s a week past the predicted due date as my little angel did.
If I may offer any guidance and support to you or any planning or expecting mother in your life, kindly let me know as I believe my journey was intended to be one that allows me to expand my service to others in this life. Thank you as always for allowing me to share with you. You have my deepest and most sincere gratitude.
*maternity and birth photography by Amma Prema
I appreciate you taking the time to read my posting & I’ll be posting great new information, tips & tools regularly. If you have a recipe you’d like for me to try out & review, topics you’d like to hear about, or any other comments, feedback, or suggestions, kindly send me a message to AskCrissy@gmail.com and I will address the matter in a future blog posting. Be sure to subscribe to my Blog & YouTube Channel, visit my website regularly, and follow me on Facebook & Twitter, to stay plugged in to all of my offerings. As always, I wish you infinite love, blessings, peace, and joy as we take this journey together. I am blessed & honored to share my path with you.
Dear Crissy,
Being a (very small!) part of your pregnancy and birth support team was an absolute honor. The purity of your presence, your faith, your trust in the natural process…in LOVE…made me love and respect you even more than ever…and that is a TON! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. As a mother of two who falls into that category of not ever having had the faith…or even the KNOWLEDGE…that my body was fully equipped to birth my babies into the world, it gladdens my heart to read your post…knowing that it will reach and teach those who have their childbirthing decisions to make.
Thank you for your never-ending love and support, Joy :) You kindness and beautiful words mean a lot to me, I appreciate you ♥
Beautiful! Thank you :) xo
Jake (Jacqueline) Pratte http://www.girlnamedjake.com (780) 264-0707 Be the change you wish to see in the world ~Gandhi~
Sent from iPhone
Thanks for taking the time to read, comment and share my posting, Jake ♥
Crissy, THANK YOU for this wonderful reminder of how we as women are fiercely perfect for this task. I loved that and I believe that.
I will be sharing this wonderfully written post from today onwards with friends and family as soon as I hear they are pregnant.
It’s also an absolutely wonderful resource for daddys to read to encourage them and remind them as well.
Your daughter is absolutely beautiful and is sooooo fortunate to have such a wonderful momma xoxoxoxooxoxox
Jennifer Duvoid :)
Thank you, Jen! Your feedback is amazing and greatly appreciated. I am honored you feel called to share this with others ♥