Tools For Your Journey—Accepting the Offer

One of the most serving tools I use regularly on my journey is accepting the offering. All of my amazing mentors say the same thing in their own way—I believe them all to be true. What you resist persists, what you embrace transforms. We are the only ones keeping our dreams from coming into our lives. So, I practice accepting offers that I would turn down in the past by default. One of these offers/suggestions was to share my recipes. Being that I don’t view myself to be particularly kitchen savvy, I decided to not automatically dismiss the idea. The more I searched for the perfection in the idea, the more I realized that my perspective on cooking was most likely shared by others, and that at one time I didn’t know what to do. Now I have the opportunity to assist those that are just leaning into embracing their kitchen skills. I’ve decided to own my greatness in the kitchen and bring to you what best tips on what I buy, how I prepare, and what I make for dinner.

I have discovered that cooking fresh, clean, pescetarian recipes (that’s vegetarian with seafood) not only supports my beliefs, nourishes my body, supports my feel-good brain chemistry, it’s also delightful to the nose, palate, eyes, and most importantly, peace of mind. Simple and basic is a rule of thumb for me & I find options are virtually endless when I focus on making each meal as clean, delicious & nutritionally pact as possible. If this sounds like a lot of work for you, believe me, you are likely expending more time, money, and energy than I am at a compromised nutritional & peace of mind level. I encourage you to give one or two of my recipes or cooking suggestions a try, and decide for yourself. As I lean into it, I quickly find what works along with my preferences and what doesn’t. It’s also one more area I feel more equipped to handle, ultimately building my peace of mind & belief in my self.

As I have maintained my balanced lifestyle, I’ve become a huge believer in the 80-20 principle. If I focused on giving my body the nourishment and exercise it truly deserves 80% of the time, the other 20% doesn’t matter quite as much. I find this is a good balance for myself and I am always striving to keep this in balance. I stay committed to always leaning into the next level. This is the same principle I take into the kitchen. I am always open to learn techniques that best serve my time, energy, and resources. Not knowing everything doesn’t keep me from practicing what I have learned so far…again, always discovering my own truths.  Don’t let not knowing everything keep you from your potential greatness.

Along with the recipes I post, I will be sharing what I look for when I shop, why I buy what I buy, what is the best nutrition for my money, where I like to shop & why.  Be sure to subscribe to my Blog & YouTube Channel, visit my website regularly, and follow me on Facebook & Twitter, to stay plugged in to all of my offerings.

I wish you infinite love, blessings, peace, and joy as we take this journey together. I am blessed & honored to share my path with you.


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