Empowerment Workshops

**For Information on Holistic Restoration’s Living From the Heart Retreat Series Click Here!**

img_0739 goal achievingI am always open to creating workshops that meet your personal needs, and I’m available for one on one sessions, as well as groups of two or more, for private in-home workshops, and for the small business and corporate settings. I have worked with individuals, couples, teens, families, spiritual and secular groups, non-profits and for-profits, other coaches, staff retreats, volunteer and mentor trainings, homeless shelters, women’s correctional facilities and more. Workshops can be presented as brief 10-30 minute talks, “Lunch-and-Learns,” half- or whole-day seminars, or even into private weekend retreats. To view footage from past workshops, visit the Tips & Tools section on this site and Holistic Restoration’s YouTube Channel.


The following is a sampling of past workshops I have facilitated. Simply click the title to reveal a brief description. For each workshop, I have developed supportive materials and each class is customized to fit the specific needs and objectives of the participants. For more information, contact Crissy at 919.696.4878 or Crissy@HolisticRestoration.com.


Mindset For Success

Discover Your Missing Peace

Befriending the Mind

Getting Clear and Staying Clear

Radical Love: Beyond Right & Wrong

Emotional Addictions: Breaking the Cycle

Discover the Power of the Present

Radical Relationships: Removing the Labels & True Forgiveness

Spirituality: Finding & Living In Your Faith

The True Fountain of Youth: Understanding & Honoring Your Inner Child

Emotions Class

Managing Anger Class

Handling Stress & Coping Skills

Empowerment Workshop

Clearing Mental Clutter

Abundance Mentality

Goal-Achieving Mentality

Love Mentality

Emotions & Mindset Moving Forward

Setting Realistic Expectations

Reducing Anxiety & Stress