Living From the Heart Series

sunrise pier horizontal gifI believe you are amazing and a true gift to this world. I believe you are deserving of living a life that makes your heart sing. I believe you have a great light inside of you that was created to shine on the world, and I believe it is time for you to discover how to let that light shine! I would like to personally invite you to spend a life-transforming weekend with me.

I was inspired to create a weekend retreat for anyone committed to creating a life of peace, bliss and ease. I have converted my life-transforming 2011 New Year, New You! workshop series into a weekend program designed for you to begin building a solid foundation for the life you are so deserving of living. After the over-whelming success and positive feedback from my pilot runs of the program this past November and March, I am pleased to offer this retreat to you!

For my pilot runs, I chose to have a get away location at one of my favorite local beaches. I quickly learned the value of removing the attendees from their daily routines and responsibilities at home, and it will required at all future events to stay for the weekend. I am currently exploring different venue options to best meet the needs of the retreat experience, along with honoring everyone’s families, time, energy and resources. I will announce event locations ASAP, and ensure you that all retreats will be held within a 2 hour driving radius of the Triangle area. I invite you to stay at the house and enjoy the peaceful area, and be inspired by the surrounding natural beauty of retreat location. I so appreciate you simply for who you are, for all of your support, and for seriously considering this invitation to begin creating the lasting change you desire. You inspire me more than you may know. Scroll down for all the details & have a blessed day!

Who:              Awesome People Committed to Joy & Fulfillment

What:             Living From the Heart Weekend Retreat is a life transforming weekend in which you will gain clarity on what you truly desire, how deserving you are to living the life of your dreams and how to begin creating the reality that reflects peace, bliss and ease. Begin to discover what is holding you back, how to identify and release non-serving habits, while replacing them with new serving habits. Learn how to begin falling in love with your life, others and, most importantly, with yourself. Discussions will include:

Mindset for Success – Understanding & Befriending the Mind, ABC’s of Success
Getting Clear & Staying Clear – Creating an Authentic Inspired Vision
Radical Love – Beyond Right & Wrong
Emotional Addictions – Breaking the Cycle
Discover the Power of the Present
Radical Relationships – Removing the Labels & True Forgiveness
Spirituality – Finding & Living In Your Faith, 3 Steps to Creating Heaven on Earth
The True Fountain of Youth–Understanding & Honoring Your Inner Child

When:            TBA

Where:          I have been facilitating this retreat at a Private House at Kure Beach, NC. I am currently searching for other venues that will meet our needs within a 2 hour driving radius of the Triangle area. *Isagenix breakfast & lunch Sat and breakfast Sun provided for all attendees

 Why:              You Are So Deserving of Peace, Bliss & Ease!

Contact me for more details about the event or the accommodations. Keep reading for more information on the program content.

Contact Crissy Keye Rollins at 919.696.4878 or to learn more!


beach walk gifThe following is detailed information on each of the workshops I used in creating the retreat course materials:

Mindset For Success – Before running a marathon, it is essential to prepare the body, identify what challenges may be faced, and understand what it takes to go the distance. Preparing the mind for creating lasting change is no different. This session will equip you with everything required to set your Mindset for Success! You will develop clarity around your intention, learn tools to uncover your hidden dreams, and discover the limiting belief systems you are currently operating from and keeping you stuck. You will be ready to hit the ground running toward the life of your dreams as we discover more throughout the weekend!

Discovering Your Missing Peace – Awareness is the first step in creating lasting change. Learn what is keeping you stuck in life and how you can begin creating a life that makes your heart sing NOW!

Befriending the Mind: Your Outer World Reflects Your Inner World – Lasting change is only possible when you uncover the hidden stories that are currently creating the world around you. The only distance between you and the life you desire is the space between your two ears.

Getting Clear and Staying Clear – Before you can start living the life you dream of, you have to get clear! Learn how to clear out the physical, emotional, and energetic blocks that are holding you back, wasting your valuable time & energy, keeping you distracted from moving forward, and ultimately stopping your dreams from coming into your life. Get clear & begin living your dreams today!

Radical Love: Beyond Right & Wrong – Discover a deeper meaning of Love that will allow you to unlock your true potential, bring ease into your life, and reveal your heart’s true desire. This Love has the potential to transform your life, your relationships with others, and assist you in realizing true forgiveness.

Emotional Addictions: Breaking the Cycle – If you cannot manage your emotional state, you must be addicted to it. Our emotions dictate our choices. Are your choices a Response or a default Reaction? Becoming aware of your emotional choices is necessary to create lasting change. You can begin to transform your life today!

Discover the Power of the Present – Yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery, today is a gift…that’s why it’s called the “present.” Getting lost in the memories of the past & the possibilities of the future keeps you from the power that is only available in the present moment. Now is where the magic happens! Learn how to live in the present moment & make choices that will lead you to your dreams & your true heart’s desire!

Radical Relationships: Removing the Labels & True Forgiveness – Regardless of the label used—husband/wife, parent/child, siblings, business owner/client, friends, co-workers, strangers—relationships with others present some of the greatest challenges, heartaches, and…growth! Unlocking the hidden messages relationships are sending will unlock the potential for a life of abundance, bliss, peace, & self-love. Discover how simple it is to transform any relationship, and begin to transform your life today!

Spirituality: Finding & Living In Your Faith – With all the disagreements surrounding different religious & spiritual beliefs, often the underlying message is overlooked—Love! Regardless of your beliefs, living life in Faith is a key component to creating lasting change, peace, & bliss. We’ll take a look at three of the world’s most followed religions & dissolve the invisible walls that keep them—and so many people—separate from one another. We’ll also take a look at Prayer, Surrender, what living in Faith really means, & how our physical body plays a role in our spiritual connections—along with practical tips on applying these essential tools. Learn how leaning into your faith will allow you to create your dreams today!

The True Fountain of Youth: Understanding & Honoring Your Inner Child – With all the pressures, responsibilities, and stresses that come with being an adult, we often lose touch with the child within us that wants to play, explore, and devour everything life has to offer. Many are so eager to grow up—or forced to due to life circumstances—only to find that being “grown” wasn’t what we thought it would be, carrying into adulthood wounds, resentments, and heartaches, or find that we missed our childhood altogether. You will learn what your inner child is, how it serves you, and how it may be keeping you from your peace and fulfillment. Discover how healing, honoring, and keeping the child alive within you will allow you to approach life from a new, fresh perspective, full of excitement, fulfillment, joy, ease, and peace!


Benefits you can expect from attending the Living From the Heart retreat series:

img_0739 goal achievingGet in Touch with Your True Heart’s Desires

Uncover the Hidden Source of What’s Stopping You from Receiving Your Desires

Shift Your Perspective in Order to Create More Choice and Ease in Your Life

Trade-up Non-Serving Beliefs, Thoughts, and Habits for That Which Truly Serve You

Move from Reacting to Life to Having Life Respond to You

Discover the Missing Link to Transforming Your Desires Into Your Reality

Master a Universal System that Has the Power to Transform All Aspects of Your Life

Imagine closing the year with peace in your mind, love in your heart, and inspiration flowing with ease, fueling the life of your dreams and maintaining a balanced life for you and your loved ones.

Contact Crissy Keye Rollins at 919.696.4878 or to learn more!