What they don’t tell you about entrepreneurship…. Hey there, it’s Crissy Keye Rollins here giving you another piece of the entrepreneurial puzzle so that if you have been wanting to start a business or side business, you can ditch the excuses and make it happen. All year long I’m committed to bringing you piece by piece a simplified approach to entrepreneurship through weekly videos just like this one, and if you want early access to these videos then I invite you to hop over to the community I’m building over on Patreon () and find the level of support that is right for you, and if you want to know one of the most important things to realize that is never talked about the entrepreneurial journey that I have found to be essential for business success, then stick around for the rest of this video because that’s what I’m sharing with you today.
Ok, so today’s video expands and reiterates my last video in this series where I shared insights around a commonly overlooked aspect of entrepreneurship success, and what I’m sharing today is something I’ve literally never heard discussed in my past 15 years of entrepreneurship. No business training has ever touched on it, it’s not a topic that comes up at networking meetings, and yet much like the perspective I shared in the last video—which I’ll be sure to link in the description if you need to hop over and watch it after today’s share then you will be able to find it with ease—I feel that the sooner your understand and embrace what I’m about to share with you, the more ease you will have in building your business and staying the course long enough to get traction and real-time results.
Link to previous video in this series: https://youtu.be/10uFaUkd3XY
So, if you are thinking about starting a business, or if you’ve been struggling to find your flow with your business, start to reflect over how what you are experiencing with your business is allowing you to grow and mature personally and spiritually. What are you learning about your relationship with yourself? How can you embrace the loneliness business ownership brings, and what new strength can you self-source to keep yourself in the game and on track toward your business vision? Let me know in the comments below if this feels more aligned and insightful for you…and if you’ve already embraced the lonely path you’ve chosen as an entrepreneur, then share with me how that affects you, your business and those you serve.
And if you’d like step-by-step support and guidance into the entrepreneurship journey, then for sure hop over to Patreon () and see the levels of support and on-going conversation already underway with this like-minded, passionate community of others like you who feel called to make a greater impact in the lives of others while contributing financially to their households.
Right now is the best time to join because when you do, you’ll have the option to receive a free Total Clarity Breakthrough session with me, giving you space to identify what you’re best next step is in moving toward the life you desire. This year’s focus in this community is all about discovering, tapping into, and using your gifts to make what you love while making a difference in the lives of others. And if you are already a member, invite other amazing like-minded people like yourself to join us!
Either way, be sure to subscribe wherever you’re watching this video, as I’ll be dropping powerful content-packed, easy to consume and digest videos like this one every week…and more! Alright, thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you next video…bye!