How to Own a Business (Part 1 of 2) – Simplified Business Success Tips {Entrepreneurship Revealed}

How to Own a Business (Part 1 of 2) – Simplified Business Success Tips {Entrepreneurship Revealed}

Hey there, it’s Crissy Keye Rollins here, and if you’re new to this series, I’ve been sharing weekly bite-sized videos focused on simplifying the business journey so that if you have been wanting to start a business or side business, you can ditch the excuses and make it happen. In today’s video I’m sharing with you 1 of 2 aspects of business ownership that are never discussed in business trainings or networking meetings. I started this conversation in my creation process video series, so be sure to go check that out after watching this, and also hit subscribe and turn on the notifications wherever you are viewing this so you don’t miss part 2, now let’s get started!

Link to creative process video mentioned in this video:

If you want early access to these videos then I invite you to hop over to the community I’m building over on Patreon () and find the level of support that is right for you, and if you find value in what I’m sharing in this video be sure to give it a thumbs up, your support really helps this channel so much and I appreciate you watching and sharing this video with others.

Ok, so when you think of business ownership, your mind most likely goes to the practical and physical aspects of business ownership…owning the property and supplies needed to support your business, owning the financial aspects, owning the name, website, and all the other business-y aspects of entrepreneurship. However, in my 15 years of business ownership, there are 2 main areas of ownership I’ve not seen discussed and which I’ve found to be absolutely essential for business success. Once I understood the power of taking ownership of these areas, everything started to click and fall into place for my business, and I better understood where to focus my time and my energy to maximize the return on investments I’ve made in my business.

The first area of ownership that extended beyond the logistics of your business, is that as a business owner, it’s absolutely essential you take ownership over your own emotional state. Before I really embraced this concept, I thought that I didn’t have enough time or support to be effective in my business. I thought to myself almost daily that if I did have more time and more support from my spouse, I would easily be attracting more consistent clients and income…that it would be easier for me to gain traction and get the results I knew were possible for me. I blamed my time constraints and apparent lack of support for many of my business struggles….until one day I woke up to this powerful realization.

Taking ownership of how I felt and moving forward toward my goals cleared the space taking the action steps I knew would bring results. I know longer wasted time worrying about how I felt and making decisions on what I followed through on based on how I was feeling in the moment…ever been there? Where you tell yourself tomorrow I’m going to accomplish x,y, and z only to wake up an not feel like it? That was me on a regular basis and owning my emotions and moving forward regardless shifted it all for me. I began to see daily business tasks as simply an opportunity to feel what I was feeling and move forward anyway, and before I knew it I was accomplishing more in less time with less effort and finding more results.

I want to know if this is hitting home for you, and I invite you to begin to watch your emotions throughout your work days and see where you are really investing your energy. Share in the comments below if this has been a struggle for you and what works for you to reign yourself back in and what helps you move your business forward. Next week I’ll share with you the second unspoken aspect of business ownership and I hope you catch that video, too!

And if you’d like step-by-step support and guidance into the entrepreneurship journey, then for sure hop over to Patreon () and see the levels of support and on-going conversation already underway with this like-minded, passionate community of others like you who feel called to make a greater impact in the lives of others while contributing financially to their households.

Right now is the best time to join because when you do, you’ll have the option to receive a free Total Clarity Breakthrough session with me, giving you space to identify what you’re best next step is in moving toward the life you desire.

This year’s focus in this community is all about discovering, tapping into, and using your gifts to make what you love while making a difference in the lives of others. And if you are already a member, invite other amazing like-minded people like yourself to join us! Either way, be sure to subscribe wherever you’re watching this video, as I’ll be dropping powerful content-packed, easy to consume and digest videos like this one every week…and more! Alright, thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you next video…bye!


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