ABC’s for {DIY} Business Growth

Aligned Business Concepts to help solopreneurs know where to focus to get more results with less effort.

Would you love to grow your business on your own if only you knew exactly what steps to take and how to take them?

If YES, keep reading!!!


Growing a business is challenging.

Especially when…

  • It’s just you keeping everything going
  • There’s a limited budget to outsource the areas of your business outside your expertise
  • Past investments failed to bring the return you’d hoped
  • You actually do outsource, and your lack of expertise leaves you guessing who to hire and what results to look for them to deliver
  • You’re unsure how to best talk about your business in a way that consistently generates sales and ensures you don’t come across as pushy, needy or all about the money


Growing pains are inevitable in every business journey, but did you know that behind all business growth is a repeatable framework and structure that creates the conditions for growth to occur?

You can easily invest hundreds and thousands of dollars into outsourcing your business growth, but if you don’t know what conditions are needed how will you know your investments will bring a viable return?

When you are the only person in your business, committed to your business success, it is vital that:

  • Every investment you make in your business counts
  • Every step you take is in the direction you desire to go
  • Every action best represents your intentions and integrity

You do not have the energy to waste spinning your wheels, the time to waste guessing which way to move forward, or the money to keep throwing things at the wall and hoping something finally sticks.

When you learn a simple, repeatable system for leveraged growth for your business, you gain the confidence and peace of mind, along with an investment that will pay you back for as long as you are in business!

Luckily for you, not only is this system repeatable and results driven, you can also implement it yourself without having to invest in more training, advertising, or outsourcing to start seeing real results!


{In-Person Workshop Currently Not Scheduled}


You’ve waited long enough…get results NOW!

By integrating these Aligned Business Concepts into your business, you will…

  • A – Attract Ideal Clients…learn the formula that lets you stop chasing and start attracting clients!
  • B – Build Value…discover how to represent the maximum value of your offerings so both you and your clients are excited to work together!
  • C – Consistent Income Generation…walk away with greater business confidence, knowing the secret to consistent action that gets results!

The perfect addition to set yourself up for success in business growth in 2020!

Learn the essentials needed in every business owner’s tool kit for consistent, reliable growth!

Discover the secrets to consistent client and income attraction!

Walk away with a repeatable plan to start and grow your business PLUS the confidence to take the action needed!!

BONUS Mindfulness + Meditation tips for each topic covered in the workshop!

The piece other business trainings leave out…

Just like having a framework and structure supports the growth of your business, the same is true for the one keeping your business going…YOU!

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for every business owner. 

Special guest teacher, Stephanie H. Best, PhD, HSP-P Licensed Psychologist and owner of BeWellNC Inc. {bio in FAQ’s below!} will expertly guide you through simple and effective techniques you can use daily!

By having a system for your business and NOT for the one who keeps it running, you are setting yourself up for more struggle than necessary.

Without a solid plan to settle and support the mind, you greatly increase your odds of facing burnout or dropping out before you experience the success you are working so hard for.

When you add yourself to your business plan, you are able to create an authentic and powerfully aligned business that allows for a flow of consistent action and attraction so you can grow your business with less effort and more balance.


Stop working on your business and start aligning with it!

{In-Person Workshop Currently Not Scheduled}


Workshop Options

Think about it…


Even if you have a team…even if you outsource for support…YOU are still the ONLY one IN your business.


This fact means it is essential for you to know the framework behind every successful business to ensure it is in place for your business, and to avoid running your business blindly.


Stop guessing about whether you’re being as effective as possible with your efforts.


Come to this workshop and see more clearly in 2020 with peace of mind that each step you take will bring you more results, all with less effort.


Leave the guessing game and the hustle behind in 2019.


Align yourself and your business for 2020 and beyond!


What you’ll learn in this workshop…

This workshop will show you that growing your business on your own is as simple as ABC. Together we will explore each of these Aligned Business Concepts – the three main areas of focus for your business growth:

  • Attracting ideal clients
  • Building value
  • Consistent income and action

Focus #1 – Attract Ideal Clients

How would knowing that your ideal customers hear your voice shift your business experience? 

When your business is aligned to attract ideal clients, you change the game from chasing and hoping, to relaxing and knowing that those you are meant to serve will easily find you.

During this session you will learn a formula for instant clarity to gain your ideal client’s confidence. Client Confidence allows even the most inexperienced marketer to get results, no matter how ineffective past efforts may have seemed.

Imagine always knowing your audience hears you loud and clear, so the ears of those you are meant to serve always hear your voice.


Focus #2 – Build Value

What would it be like to know that the value you offer is obvious to all who interact with your offerings and business content? 

Cut the confusion on what to offer and discover how to ensure your value is represented in a way that both you and your customers are excited about!

Plus, learn a simple system that will help you create a year’s worth of content for your business in less than 1-hour! You’ll LOVE this easy approach that you can use over and over again to ensure your conversation with your audience is always value-packed and inspires action and support!


Focus #3 – Consistent Income + Action

What would no longer worrying about money do for your business and overall life experience?

Imagine what business would be like if you never had to worry about income flowing. You could just relax into serving others without fearing that your actions would be fruitless.

During this focus, you will learn the exact steps needed to get out of fear and into consistent action in an aligned way that gets real life results! PLUS, you’ll learn secrets to shifting a limited money mindset so you can attract more with ease.

After this session, you will be able to…

  • Ditch your sales pitch so you never have to fear sounding “salesy” again!
  • Set aside your money worries, reducing distractions and allowing you to focus on your flow.
  • End the cycles of procrastination and hiding from failure, so you can take consistent, aligned action with ease!



Join the ABC’s for DIY Business Growth IN-PERSON -or- ONLINE! {Limited Seats Available}

Limited seats are available for an IN-PERSON workshop: Not Currently Scheduled

REGULAR Pricing ONLY $123…PLUS BONUS Online Access INCLUDED!!!

{Online Registration OPEN}

Workshop Options


  • Is this workshop available in-person or online?
    • Both! We will gather for an in-person workshop at Artmosphere Community Art Center in Clayton, NC, on Saturday, Dec 14th, 9am-12pm, and cover everything listed above. In-person seats will also include a free seat online! Join us online for this same content delivered as a 3-part series beginning 12pm EST Friday, Dec 6th. Session 2 will livestream 12pm EST Friday, Dec 13th. Session 3 will livestream 12pm EST Friday, Dec 21st. All online sessions will be recorded and available for replay within hours following the completion of livestream.
  • If I register for the in-person workshop, can I also join the online series?
    • YES! Your registration for the in-person workshop INCLUDES online access, including replay access.
  • Can I join online only?
    • YES! Whether you are local or not, you can access this same workshop content through an online series which includes access to replays. Each session will be recorded and accessible to both in-person and online registrants the same day as livestream.
  • Can I join online sessions individually?
    • Yes! Each online session is available for only $47 each, or all 3 for only $123! Individual and bundled sessions will be recorded and available for replay the same day as livestream.
  • Can I join for less than $123?
    • YES!! Individual Online Sessions are available for only $47 each, or you can split the full pay price into 2…paying 50% now and 50% in 3o days! Email Crissy at for this special paylink.
  • Tell me more about Dr. Stephanie Best…
    • Stephanie H. Best, PhD, HSP-P is a Certified NeuroMeditation Instructor who has maintained a daily mindfulness meditation practice of her own for over a decade, sustained by her direct personal experience and deeply rooted belief in its empirically supported mental, emotional, and physical health benefits. She has received advanced training in mindfulness from master clinicians such as Steve Hayes, PhD and Kelly Wilson, PhD (co-creators of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and completed an 8-week intensive course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at Duke Integrative Medicine. Dr. Best has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Duke University and is the owner of a thriving private practice, BeWellNC Inc. As an entrepreneur and healer, she knows first-hand the profound impact a strong foundation of mindfulness can have on a growing business.
  • Do I need to have already started my business to attend?
    • You do not have to be an entrepreneur or business owner to attend or benefit from the content in this course. The bulk of content covered in this workshop apply to leadership and moving missions forward in general.
  • Can I talk to someone before I register just to make sure I’m a good fit for the class?
    • Absolutely! To set this up, simply send an email to with “DIY” in the subject line -or- send a text to 919.696.4878 and we’ll connect for a quick chat :)